
I had a funny feeling about the full moon yesterday....

I can't sleep. Well, I really should say that I'm having a hard time falling asleep. Doesn't help that I'm now sitting here writing a blog. You know in the spirit of all manner of sincerity and all honesty, I spoke on matters last night that I thought might give better clearance and give some measure of perspective into just how it is I rest. Never could have imagined for an inkling that the words that were to come out of my mouth would have been so damaging. I mean generally when I speak and the shit is about to hit the fan, I am fully aware of the impending doom.
When is being honest too much? I have heard my whole life, this one and many before, that honesty is always, ALWAYS, the best policy. 'The truth will set you free.' Well I've learned that the truth hurts more often than it helps. I mean, yes everyday truths, such as who drank the last of the orange juice and left the box in the fridge, probably have little bearing on the longevity of your life. Hell if those little truths carry so much weight as to be of possible detriment, you can have those as well. No wonder no one speaks when there is but a swallow of juice in the fridge, lol.
But seriously, I thought that my desire to be honest in certain regards as opposed to years of skillful and deliberate avoidance, was a sign of growth at best. Do I continue to teach my children that surreptitiously holding on to the facts and truth is truly in fact the best policy? I would hate for them to grow up to be exactly as I was all the time. Aren't our children to supposed eclipse us in every aspect of the word? Aren't we ourselves to learn and grow and teach better?
My two cents


Winter Wonderland

Last weeks winter storm caused lower retail sales to the tune of over a billion dollars less than last year. That's billion with a b. Mere coincidence or divine intervention? Stop commercializing faith. Today should have been a day for reflection and the opening of hearts. Not a mass exodus to retail establishments to purchase gifts to show by material means how much we love and care for one another. I pray all a safe and blessed weekend no matter what faith your heart manifests.


Disney's new Princess

Last month the Disney conglomerate released the story of the Princess and the Frog. In this incarnation, Disney "Princess" happens to be of African ancestry. For the first time in the company's history, the main character of a feature happens to resemble a relatively large part of Disney's viewing audience. I use resemble here fairly loosely because the artwork, while exceptional as hand drawn illustration goes, does little in the way of truly intimating African features. All that said, if it can even briefly show a young Black child that the past hangups, misconceptions and stereotypes about Black Womanhood are invalid; that yes Black Woman can be as royal and regal as they once were.

Conversely, how is it that we are still allowing these entertainers to talk about and systematically degrade and destroy the Black Woman specifically, but women in general. Yes they might not be speaking about "you", that argument is plain. But they are speaking directly to the minds of innocent youth. We teach our little ones with song because the repetitive nature of the rhymes and melody draw them in and open them up to be more receptive of the lessons taught. It's little coincidence that record company exec's promote so eagerly the type of artists who can deliver "sick" tracks and "wicked" lyrics and wordplay. All the while, it's women who are left in the balance, most often with names sullied beyond most recognition.

It's a crzay world we live in and that's my 2 cents,


Tis Always the Season for Family

Last week I was given a moment to spend some time with family that I haven't seen in a good while, as I'm sure many of us had. The years of memories and histories that some of our families represent are priceless and timeless. The amount of unconditional love in one room that we sometimes experience, well everyone should have days such as these, even if only from time to time.
I never show up for the food. Food alone isn't enough to pick me up off the couch and drive some 300 miles. The food was great mind you. Always is because I feel it's always prepared with much love. But the fun is watching and helping in, no matter how small the capacity, the preparation. The stories, the jokes, the discipline, the family history all rolled into a few hours once or twice a year, is often all some of us will ever have.
As usual, I look forward to the next time we can all get together. I miss my family. Sometimes it's the only time when you are completely and entirely the person you are.



I am broken people. My heart and spirit have been broken in recent days. It is unfathomable to me how anyone can so callously disregard human life. A 5 year old little girl. Are you serious? To "allegedly" rape and strangle a child; is there anything more demonic and savage? Granted, the Black community specifically, and more generally people around the world for centuries, have suffered greatly at the hands of brutes and devils, in varying forms and degrees. Granted, there have been numerous accounts of such savagery this year alone. But my God, has the world so lost its humanity? Has Man finally descended into the mirey muck of wretchedness without hope of ascent to His former and greater self?
A father of a soon to be 12 year old myself, it saddens me deeply to know that my little one has to live in this world with such as these. I know not the truth in details in this case, and I am trying with great conscience to not cast unwarranted aspersions, but I know the Devil himself resides amongst them.
Great is the sorrow of all the families involved. Alongside, the extended family also bears this burden and shame; of this I am almost certain. Too many of our families and friends, all too often, see the signs of abuse and mistreatment, but the system which many hold in such high regard, leaves little room to properly deal with these cases effectively. While it should be said that there are brief glimmers of hope and promise, especially in regards to poor and disenfranchised peoples, not enough is being done.
I pray that along with so-called sweeping reforms in healthcare legislation, alleged reforms in the financial markets and much needed reform in how many people place ridiculously high and unrealistic value on material possessions, that we also work earnestly to reform the human spirit, which for too long has been devalued, leveraged beyond capacity and otherwise marginalized beyond all recognition. Recognizing that it was merely a temple that housed the innocent spirit of a precious child, I pray too that that spirit finds solace and comfort where next it rests.

Peace and love be with you. While there are many doors to the mansion of God, each of us still can only manage to open one at a time. I leave with 7 words of peace and love, "God is love, let us all love." King Emmanuel Charles Edwards

JAH Love Guidance and Protection as we move in and through this world to the world of R.
Jah Courtney


The Greatest Entertainer on Earth

So by now I'm sure you've heard that the legendary King of Pop has had his flame extinguished. More like laid down his temple. Whatever you thought about him, whatever you cared, his talent was undoubtedly incredible. He had proved himself to be more than a mere man when it came to the reach of his words, music and love. Even in his later years when it appeared his relevance had subsided substantially, Michael Jackson was still, hands down, simply the best. He allowed us all to be children again when a song came on the radio. He allowed us all to be lovers falling in love again. He allowed us through his music, to be human beings, people of the highest caliber, even if only for a few minutes a day.

I will not burden myself with the sackcloth of missing him. But I will continue to admire the Man that I knew, the entertainer that fashioned so much of my life, and the kind spirit that we should all pray to be all the time...

My 2 cents.


Not for nothing

I am not downplaying what is going on in Iran. I don't want to make light of such a serious situation. I don't want to take lightly the young woman being shot in the streets of Tehran. But hell if that was any young Black kid in the streets of damn near any major city in the US, would the outrage be as loud? Would the news media be asking when is enough? Would John McCain and Lindsey Graham be as outraged? I think not. Even with a Black President young Black kids lives still aren't as valuable as one Iranian woman who might indeed be the martyr for a whole nation.

My 2 cents.


Stop Interferring

I don't know what the american public feel they are doing by interfering in Iran's trouble. Isn't Iran a sovereign nation? Even if you don't agree, when did it become your place? Showing individuals a better way and allowing them to choose for themselves and for their nation, if the nation should so also choose, that's one thing. But to defiantly press on in the media with these images and rhetoric only foments anger, resentment, and illicits the children of those two emotions: violence and strangling of individuals human rights. If this is to be an revolution, then let it be. Otherwise you could well be awakening the sleeping giant whose dormancy has allowed for much relative peace and security. LOVE your neighbor and still allow him to work things out for himself.


The Revolution Must and Will Be Televised

Okay, so you by now no doubt have heard and/or seen what's going on around the world in Iran. The world has become a crazy place huh? The Soviet Union collapsing, Europe turning into a similar such union even if only monetarily(for now anyway), China becoming the world's sole financial superpower, a Black Man heading what has arguably been the most powerful nation in world history. Such things are for the pages of literature and yet it is our world right now.
Into this mix, we have one of the most hotly contested elections the world stage has had the pleasure of seeing for quite some time. Gore/Bush had it's own cache, but Iran is a pepperpot soup ready to boil over. Granted, there are always contested and/or disputed elections all over the globe all the time but none with as much seemingly significance as this latest Iranian fiasco.
Do the people have a right to protest? Well, yes if the constitution of Iran makes such allowances. Remember, democracy as a template aside, they are not the United States. They do have their own sovereign laws and rights.
Do the people have a legitimate argument? Maybe. The current President, for even if it is contested it was already called, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was quite abrupt in his declaring victory. But is it so different from news bureaus calling elections for one candidate before all polls are tabulated?
Should we foment the anger and curry favour of either candidate? No. It is sometimes best to allow people to fend for themselves and give them the room and freedom to work things out amongst themselves. If Iran is to ever come out from what may or may not be an oppressive situation, having stewards at the helm who are familiar with the passion and techniques used to overcome such obstacles, is a dire necessity.
What is amazing to me though beyond all the above, is how far technology has allowed all of us to be so in tune with our brothers and sisters at every turn of the dial. Mind you it doesn't always translate into regard for or abhorrence for all peoples and situations but is has opened eyes that were once blind. imagine how little we would know of Darfur, or Iraq, or Guantanamo or Sri Lanka or Tibet, in the last few years without the "new media". I don't care for all applications because I feel we are way to saturated with non-human interaction but all the same it is most needed to to mediate the rocky road that the world seems so helplessly trapped on.
Also this type of movement in Iran, supported largely by the Internet and some notable websites, is remarkable. It seems as though no more will governments be able to completely hide the bold truths of peoples discontent. The brutality of the 60's in the US will never have a chance to rear its' ugly head again anywhere if people like the students in Iran are able to have their say. The brutality of colonialism and imperialism will never again be able to take root if we use this media and each other in a way that benefits not only our individual lives but that of our neighbor halfway around the world.
Maybe this world isn't ready for the type of change that appears to be bubbling up in Iran. Maybe the world wasn't really ready for a lot of things this year. But we must deal with what we are handed. If Iran is to be dealt with in a fair and just manner, we must allow her her moment to sort things out and resign ourselves to deal justly no matter the outcome.
On a side note, if a revolution does persist in Iran, who gets the credit? Bush or Obama?


Joe the Plumber

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 11:12pm

You know after watching this last and seemingly more personal debate of the 2008 Presidential campaign season, I must say that I am now more than ever, completely impressed with Bob Schaeffer. No bullshit, he actually held them, both Senators, to the question asked. And this reference to Joe Plumber, was most appropriate. You see Joe six pack and Sarah Hockey Mom dont necessarily translate across america. My dad is not a plumber but he is a blue collar Man much the same who happens to own and run multiple business'. For the countless numbers of blue collars guys and gals out there who tirelessy perform tasks that at times seem utterly mundane, and oft times downright unpallatable, I'm happy to see all of you represented. You take the shit jobs, sometimes quite literally and don't really ask for much in return save that you are allowed to live the lives that you and your family struggle with and strive for daily. Most of you aren't earning huge salaries and often have to put in the type of hours doing the kind of back breaking hard work that would make many weep. Much of you lament this to a degree, because while you day in and out serve your local communities, your own families suffer greatly in the interim. You do this to build happy families and provide the type of education, healthcare, lifestyle and opportunities that many of you had not the pleasure of knowing as youth. You should all be applauded. And I don't want to leave out all the spouses, for those that are married, who hold you up on the flipside. Some families would crumble if not for the dads and moms who are at home or who take an active part in child rearing.For those Joe plumbers or bus drivers or whoevers that are producing numbers that allow you to hire staff and by extension take care of countless families, profound praise. Hard work does indeed pay off. I pray that I might soon join your ranks. It is by the grace of GOD, by whichever name and face you recognize, that we are able to go out ther and produce everyday and stay self-sufficient and self-reliant. You are the backbone, and no doubt have always been, of every society and economy since antiquity. And shit, who is Main Street america? Much as I see there is at least one Main Street in every state across america. If that is the case, then "who" is Main street america? Just thought I'd ask.


Socks feel real good on my feet. I love them best right out of the package when they're brand new( in case you didn't realize that anything right out of the package is almost always brand new), and at their peak of softness. Or just as they come out of the dryer on a cool, brisk fall or icy, frigid winter day. All squishy when you get caught in the rain and catch yourself accidentally stepping in a puddle( imagine we used to do this deliberately when we were young). Socks are awesome. Black socks, white socks, grey socks, polka dots stripes or Elmo. I love socks. Dirty socks suck lint balls though.

Never Realize When It's Father's Day Cause Yur Always Around

God knows there were days growing up that I coudn'tstand the sight of your face,the sound of your voice, or the way you made me feel like a little boy everytime you walked in the room.Do you remember how many times you showed up toMy recital, or practice or game?I swear the only thing I think I learnedgrowing up was how muchmoney really meant.

The fellas on the block were the first to hear bout my "first time".The first time I went to jail;the first time shit got real hard,my "family" held me up.Could never say to you what a miserable little fuck I thought you were.Funny though how time changes things.When my little one was breedingI realized that everything I hatedwas the only way I would make it through this next stage;that all the years of school never prepared me for.Ain't that some shit?

If you don't mind I did change a couple of things though.Whenever I feel down, I call them instead of the bank.When things are going well, I share.Whenevr, wherever I canI show up,never mind how silly ballet practice seems.And still yet,what do I have to complain about?You came home every night,even if we didn't see you.I still own stuff you bought when I hated you.The Man I am todayThe good Man I am today,would never be if it wasn't for you.The good Father I try to be...

With all the fuss this world makesabout Mother's Day,I follow your example and stay cool asthe breeze that blows through thebeachside that raised you, that I would never see until I was a grown Man.I follow your example andsay "Thank You" on the phoneall the while making sure that there isanother day like this next year for "them ".

If I were a tree,you be the root.If I were a river you would be the first drop.If I were a Star,you would be the Sun.You are my beginning,I pray there is no end.Thanks Dad.For Everything.


Love Is...

Love is all at once the most wonderful and most devastating of all God's mysteries. On any level and in any form: it can break apart families or create new ones. In an instant new worlds are begun and old ones shattered into a myriad of pieces that no amount of love can return to form. Who can say that they have never known pain from love and I say that that Man has never known love.

Have you love for the Man or Woman who begs humbly in the road for a piece of spare change? When was the last time you said no? When was the last time you cleaned out the junk from your car seats? Enough spare change there to feed a child in a far off land.

Have you love for the child who never has known a moment of love from any of the hundreds of parents that each year bemoan the extra tax payments for these poor children? These welfare kids? When was the last time you noticed exactly how much extra spare cents went missing from your check? When was the last time it meant the difference between you eating or going hungry for a week?

Love is a funny thing. Yes it is indeed. Too often we only associate romantic love and oft times it is the only love we desire. But give me the touch of an honest Woman's words, the aroma from a home which is settling in to Sunday dinner, the full tank surprise on Monday morning when you are on the way to work. Give me my child whose words sting with truth and whose heart comforts in a way she understands not yet.

I love. I love. I LOVE.

Gas prices on the rise....AGAIN

Stop blamin the Saudi's and others for the increasing fuel prices when it's uS manufacturers and suppliers who have slowed or cut back production just in time for the summer driving season...


The New 40 sumthins

Is 40 the new hot age? Or are the same celebs' who were hot 20 years ago still hot and the rest of us are still trudging along and still not as attractive?


The Unjust Family Court Shitstem...

Can I just vent for a moment? How in the hell did the Child Support System in NY State hit me up for almost 50% of my annual income when it came to its' decision in an almost 2 year long trial? Who am I 50 cent or Sean Combs? I hate to even think this but is the heavily female laden family court system biased against males? Black males especially? I can't see how more clear this particular case could have been. She makes more than 3 times my salary and I have to chump out of pocket enough money to actually make me consider moving into a homeless shelter? Something is ass backwords in this country. When I tell you that I have long had serious considerations about picking up and returning home, things like this make it even more clear to me that that is the most proper and prudent course of action. Just my 2 cents...


NY Post / Tabloid trash

Blessed Love and Greetings,

You know the cartoon that has many in an uproar was indeed racist. It used obvious symbols that perpetuate ridiculous stereotypes. Artistic license? Yes. But were it a jew or a gay would you brush it aside just like that? Imagine if that cartoon appeared in a South Fla tabloid using a jewish stereotype or a homosexual one. The ACLU would be up in arms. Have Blacks in America been likened to monkeys in the past? Yes. Have issues with the police and police violence against Blacks been paramount in our discussions on race? Yes. To be honest if the cartoonist wanted to stay above the fray while still dancing that tightrope, he should have made the police Black.

What disturbs me more is how there seems to be no outrage at what appears to be an overt threat against our political leaders generally and the President specifically. Had this been directed at any other President to date, had it been then drawn by a Black cartoonist, or worse yet an anti-American communist or Muslim, the phones at the White House would be off the hook. Rush and his peers would be fielding hate filled rhetoric and mantra laden phone calls from the very same individuals who are saying this amounts to little more that satire. Murdock himself, would have no choice but to relieve himself of this cartoonist and make national apologies.

It is an embarrassment to live in a country that eschews such moral holier-than-thouness while still attempting to sweep under the rug what can really only be described as crude, thoughtless and irresponsible journalism.

First Ever

This being the first time ever that I am officially blogging, I decided to actually take it in a serious direction. I guess I have always had something to say about something, but recent events have rachetted up the need and desire to go public.

I was more than a little disturbed when a friend's son was disparaged and ridiculed to the degree of emasculation by his own teacher. The young man is 11 years old. He was told that because of the dreadlocks that he wears, that in her, the teacher's country, he would be considered a girl. And further treated as such. Really? These are the people that we have working in our schools?

I know it has been an unsung policy for decades to emasculate the Black Man through measures of ridicule and bad grades and harsher disciplinary action so that the overall eventuality would force certain self-fulfilling prophesies. I know that I as a Black Man and others like me, need to get ourselves in these schools as teachers and administrators to show these young men who they truly are. I know that we need to require more of the brothers around us when it comes to dealing with our children and our communities. I also know that these young women need to require more from us as well. But my God, when do we say enough is enough? When do we do something to correct this and other such scenarios? It is a destructive cycle that can be arrested if we so choose.

Forgive me a choppy and maybe a little scattered rambling. My first blog as I said and I can only improve over time. Until we meet, until we meet, later will always be greater.