
"I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me..."


Let me get this off my chest because who knows if there will ever be another opportunity.  Thank you from the bottom of the depths of my soul that you stopped through here today.  I do give JAH many thanks for you and how this manifested.  You certainly exceeded my wildest imaginings.  My spirit is whelmed.  Thanks for sharing that small piece of you, the small tangible piece that computers letters and telephones are hard pressed to capture.  I breath you in in every moment Liza.  Even now trace scents dance beneath my nostril and give me pause that I have known that side of you.

Well, the more that I could say is no longer my place to say.  It gives me some small measure of what have you knowing that were it not for circumstance or situation, or perhaps both, that you and I would be.  I doubt that not.  I am though, grown enough to hold my tongue and caring enough to make this short.  There is always a place in this heart dear Liza.  As sure as the sun will set this eve and rise again in the morrows.

Words no longer live up to the story of us.....

Love Always,