
Finding Real Love Ain't Easy

It's true, finding a real true love isn't easy. These days I guess you can scour the internet, though the traditional ways of meeting people still work. For me, I wasn't really looking when I met her. I was sort of just doing that flirtatious, cock in the hen house thing. But damn if the minute I met her I didn't know right away. Weird you might think. But the only thing strange to me was that it felt like for the first time in my life, I was present in the moment. Imagine a life of dealing with woman and never really feeling like you were involved in the day to day reality of that union. I mean of course I was around physically, but I never made myself emotionally or spiritually available to any of those woman before her.

She asked me once, "What is so special bout me?" I was surprised that it wasn't as clear to her as it was to me. Her spirit contained the breath of new life. I say that because I have never heard more people say to me since meeting her, just how much more human and I assume humane I seemed these last few months. Damn, that's bad. I mean, I thought I might have been a prick at times, and I know that's nothing to be proud of. But to not even seem human. To have no memorable qualities outside of a functional flesh bot. That's just sad.

Well anyway, to not get too long winded, I guess plenty of people, including myself, tend to write about love and the subject of love and relationships after the fact. So here we are. I think the only time I've ever felt this crappy after a break up was when I was a kid and felt unwanted. Yes it turns out that as a man I do actually have feelings, even if I tend to not let them rise to the surface. Still in a bit of a funk cause I really still do care about her. Been told it was my fault and for the first time I'll accept that. Lot of firsts with her. And I am very thankful for all of it. But getting back, I feel a sense of emptiness that I've never understood before and probably disregarded oft times when an old girlfriend would tell me she felt the same. Yeah the days do go on and sure after a while things get easier. But I didn't ask for this. Truly not what I wanted.

Maybe God does have other plans for me. I mean I know in fact that God has other plans for me. Was only praying that whatever my future plans, she would have been part of them. Part of them in ways friends alone could never be. But again, I do thank God that he brought her into my life in the first. She made me feel loved in a way I have never known. It complimented Gods' love in perfect balance.

Just my two cents...

Jah Courtney

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