Okay, so you by now no doubt have heard and/or seen what's going on around the world in Iran. The world has become a crazy place huh? The Soviet Union collapsing, Europe turning into a similar such union even if only monetarily(for now anyway), China becoming the world's sole financial superpower, a Black Man heading what has arguably been the most powerful nation in world history. Such things are for the pages of literature and yet it is our world right now.
Into this mix, we have one of the most hotly contested elections the world stage has had the pleasure of seeing for quite some time. Gore/Bush had it's own cache, but Iran is a pepperpot soup ready to boil over. Granted, there are always contested and/or disputed elections all over the globe all the time but none with as much seemingly significance as this latest Iranian fiasco.
Do the people have a right to protest? Well, yes if the constitution of Iran makes such allowances. Remember, democracy as a template aside, they are not the United States. They do have their own sovereign laws and rights.
Do the people have a legitimate argument? Maybe. The current President, for even if it is contested it was already called, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was quite abrupt in his declaring victory. But is it so different from news bureaus calling elections for one candidate before all polls are tabulated?
Should we foment the anger and curry favour of either candidate? No. It is sometimes best to allow people to fend for themselves and give them the room and freedom to work things out amongst themselves. If Iran is to ever come out from what may or may not be an oppressive situation, having stewards at the helm who are familiar with the passion and techniques used to overcome such obstacles, is a dire necessity.
What is amazing to me though beyond all the above, is how far technology has allowed all of us to be so in tune with our brothers and sisters at every turn of the dial. Mind you it doesn't always translate into regard for or abhorrence for all peoples and situations but is has opened eyes that were once blind. imagine how little we would know of Darfur, or Iraq, or Guantanamo or Sri Lanka or Tibet, in the last few years without the "new media". I don't care for all applications because I feel we are way to saturated with non-human interaction but all the same it is most needed to to mediate the rocky road that the world seems so helplessly trapped on.
Also this type of movement in Iran, supported largely by the Internet and some notable websites, is remarkable. It seems as though no more will governments be able to completely hide the bold truths of peoples discontent. The brutality of the 60's in the US will never have a chance to rear its' ugly head again anywhere if people like the students in Iran are able to have their say. The brutality of colonialism and imperialism will never again be able to take root if we use this media and each other in a way that benefits not only our individual lives but that of our neighbor halfway around the world.
Maybe this world isn't ready for the type of change that appears to be bubbling up in Iran. Maybe the world wasn't really ready for a lot of things this year. But we must deal with what we are handed. If Iran is to be dealt with in a fair and just manner, we must allow her her moment to sort things out and resign ourselves to deal justly no matter the outcome.
On a side note, if a revolution does persist in Iran, who gets the credit? Bush or Obama?
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