
Long time nuh chat

My 12 year old says to me last night that, "Nikki Minaj is mad wack..." Give thanks to JAH that I've been teaching her to recognize foolishness in all its forms from the day she was born. Never too early to start teaching lessons and principles. Foreign language and music lessons aren't the only things that children learn better the earlier you start.
Now for all those who like Nikki's music, I'm not knocking choice. Matter of fact there are quite a lot of songs, quite a bit of everything out there that can be quite relevant to people. Trouble is seems that many people seem to have forgotten the scripture that says, "
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."(Proverbs 22:6)
I was raised learning ABCs and 123s. Now we as a society are bombarding them with "Shake it like a salt shaker." and it's derivatives. I'm all for artistic expression but hell, junk in junk out.

Just my two cents.

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