Housing: fail...People still getting a hell of a hard time from banks. How does it make sense that banks hold on to their properties instead of selling them to people willing to buy them in this economy? Wouldn't they get them back at some point anyway if buyers default down the road?
Jobs: fail... Do you realize how many people are still out of work? What is to be expected when the quid pro quo was for many years to send jobs and companies overseas only so that millionaire CEO's could fatten their pockets even more?
Healthcare: fail... It still costs me less to feed myself better and exercise than any healthcare plan your government can come up with. Yes, in the event that I need emergency surgery I might be flat busted, but hell at least I won't go broke the 10 or 20 years prior paying for benefits that I never use. Apple a day, brush your teeth and get off the damn couch...
I really don't think much in this world will change until the heads of these companies who have been fleecing the public generally and poor people specifically are called to and held accountable. If that means publics hangings or executions of another nature, well that will probably be the beginning of new corporate attitudes. How much damn money do you need in your pockets? When your employees can't afford to take care of their bills without having to work extra hours, extra jobs and put spouses to work as if they are being put on the stroll, how is that any different from SLAVERY? The emperor only has new clothes.....
MY 2 cents...
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