I am broken people. My heart and spirit have been broken in recent days. It is unfathomable to me how anyone can so callously disregard human life. A 5 year old little girl. Are you serious? To "allegedly" rape and strangle a child; is there anything more demonic and savage? Granted, the Black community specifically, and more generally people around the world for centuries, have suffered greatly at the hands of brutes and devils, in varying forms and degrees. Granted, there have been numerous accounts of such savagery this year alone. But my God, has the world so lost its humanity? Has Man finally descended into the mirey muck of wretchedness without hope of ascent to His former and greater self?
A father of a soon to be 12 year old myself, it saddens me deeply to know that my little one has to live in this world with such as these. I know not the truth in details in this case, and I am trying with great conscience to not cast unwarranted aspersions, but I know the Devil himself resides amongst them.
Great is the sorrow of all the families involved. Alongside, the extended family also bears this burden and shame; of this I am almost certain. Too many of our families and friends, all too often, see the signs of abuse and mistreatment, but the system which many hold in such high regard, leaves little room to properly deal with these cases effectively. While it should be said that there are brief glimmers of hope and promise, especially in regards to poor and disenfranchised peoples, not enough is being done.
I pray that along with so-called sweeping reforms in healthcare legislation, alleged reforms in the financial markets and much needed reform in how many people place ridiculously high and unrealistic value on material possessions, that we also work earnestly to reform the human spirit, which for too long has been devalued, leveraged beyond capacity and otherwise marginalized beyond all recognition. Recognizing that it was merely a temple that housed the innocent spirit of a precious child, I pray too that that spirit finds solace and comfort where next it rests.
Peace and love be with you. While there are many doors to the mansion of God, each of us still can only manage to open one at a time. I leave with 7 words of peace and love, "God is love, let us all love." King Emmanuel Charles Edwards
JAH Love Guidance and Protection as we move in and through this world to the world of R.
Jah Courtney
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